I don't get on here much, always need my hands for things other than typing. I don't even really get to enjoy this season or my birthday much anymore these days there's so much to do! I'm still in the midsts of the Charlie Hamilton sculpture for the city of Charleston, he is almost finished! Wooo! The end stretch is near and everyone involved in the process seems pleased with the sculpture. Now to just mold and fiberglass!
This past Friday, we sent out on short notice (3wks!) my Little Shop of Horrors puppets and props package to Bucknell University in PA. Their show is next weekend and the weekend after that. I can't wait to see some of their pictures! Check out this site for some older shows, new pics coming soon!
Stopped in breifly to see the Artmares show on Friday as well at the Ball park. (I think it's much nicer n fancier there out in the open air than in my dirty old shop, plus with Covid that makes it much safer to attend, but I do miss the hosting of it!)I hope their artists made a little money, the work was very nice this year! !
Hope those of you reading this did get to relax for a few this weekend and tonight and have some apple cider, maybe a caramel apple, cast your spells and hexes and just enjoy the last day of #spookysznz. I best be off, I have a whole month of Halloween spooky movies to catch up on in one night and candy to pass out! Happy Halloween!